Welcome to the
opening of the exhibition Saturday 13/9
Adami is the maestro of the unadulterated line, writes
the Swedish poet Lasse Söderberg in his reflection on the Italian
artist, whose fame has now spread far beyond the fertile, undulating
landscape of his native Bologna. After more than half a century of
working creatively, Adami has evolved his own iconography, an ingenious
pictorial language that embraces both past and present, and within
whose frontiers strange creatures keep company with famous faces from
history: the French Revolutionary politician Robespierre, the author
James Joyce and the composer Gustav Mahler. Adamis art teems
with figures from the great works of literature: a young Prince Hamlet
preoccupied with gloomy thoughts of suicide outside Kronborg Castle
in Elsinore, and the gaunt and grizzled knight Don Quixote with his
faithful companion, Sancho Panza.
Erotic motifs
have been a constant theme throughout Adamis production: women
and loving couples in their most intimate moments, captured in mythically
saturated shades, in evocative deep reds and a myriad shades of blue.
Valerio Adami
was born in Bologna in 1935 and developed an interest for drawing
and painting at an early age. In 1951, at the tender age of just 16,
he was accepted into the Accademia di Brera in Milan, where he studied
and painted until 1954. He made his first trip to Paris in 1955, and
by the age of 20 had already had the opportunity of meeting the painters
Roberto Matta and Wilfredo Lam, who inspired him and encouraged him
to develop his talents.
Since his
first one-man exhibition in Milan in 1959 Adami has had numerous exhibitions
around the world, and today his works hang in many museums of modern
art as well as in private collections. In 1985 he was the subject
of a full-scale retrospective at the Musée National dArt
Moderne at the Pompidou Centre in Paris, where a representative selection
of his production was on show. In 1989, to commemorate the bicentennial
of the French Revolution, he was commissioned to produce a monumental
mural for the Théàtre du Châtelet in Paris.
Numerous authors
have written about Adamis art, among them Octavio Paz, Italo
Calvino and Carlos Fuentes.
Siwert Bergström
arranged a rendezvous with Adami in Paris in the mid 1980s. They met
in his studio and home, which had previously belonged to the artist
Salvador Dalí, just a stones throw from the church of
Sacré-Coeur, to discuss art and future collaboration. These
contacts resulted in Galleri GKM showing Adamis pictures for
the first time in 1989. In conjunction with the exhibition, the gallery
also published a book about the artists work, accompanied by
poems by Lasse Söderberg and a text on Adami written by Alain

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Phone +46(0)40-611 99 11, Fax +46(0)40-611 85 45
www. gkm.se office@gkm.se